Tuesday, June 29, 2004

Viva Las Vegas

Yeah, baby! We're going to Vegas for the 4th!!! The lovely Rodebaughs are coming with us (or actually, we're going with them) and it should be great fun! We'll do a little gaming, a little shopping, a little relaxing by the pooling and of course we'll take a dam tour.

Ah, yes, the Hoover Dam. It's the best dam I've ever seen. And I absolutely love the dam tours. They're great if you want to take some dam pictures and you'll learn a lot of dam history from your very qualified dam tour guide. I hope we go on the dam hardhat tour this time. Oh, there's a whole lot of dam fun to be had at the HD. I can't wait to go to the dam!

Peas (as Mike says)

Monday, June 28, 2004

One of them thar days

This is one of the those days.

In fact, this weekend has been one of those days.

You know what I'm talking about. The days when staying in bed is a much better idea than getting up and trying to go about life like a normal person. Let's just say that the photo I've included in today's post does an ever so ample job describing my behavior and attitude over the past weekend. Lord, help me, but I can't explain why I am so hard headed about some of the silliest stuff.


(and Lord help my wife for she's got to put up with it!)


Friday, June 25, 2004

Mike vs Michael

Michael Moore's new movie, Fahrenheit 9/11, comes out today. Well, I think it opened in NYC earlier this week but it's made it to the West Coast today.

Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing it. I've seen Bowling for Columbine and have read (most of) Dude, Where's My Country and they are intriguing and I must say that MM is very good and making one (or at least me) sympathetic to his side of the story. He always packs a lot of punch with the way he presents his "facts" and entertains you in the process. Still, it's no secret that he's got an agenda and that he's using the entertainment value of his products to promote it and that more than calls into question he's ability to be objective.

I'll let you see the movie and figure it out for yourselves.

Now, to be fair and balanced about it, check out Michael Moore Hates America and make sure you see this movie when it comes to theaters. I'm Sure Mike Wilson has his own agenda as well, but it'll be fun to see some one stick it to MM for a change.

Monday, June 21, 2004

On Pre-Fatherhood: getting used to the idea of getting used to the idea

The concept of becoming a father scares me a lot! Not that Case & I are anywhere near the actual "becoming" part, mind you. But we are talking about having kids a heck of a lot more than we used. Well, we talk about the when's, the where's, the how's and why's of it anyway. (And by "how's" I mean finances, so you can just put all those other thoughts out of your little head. Yes, I mean you, Scooter, Mike and Tim!!! I know you guys too well to leave the door swinging wide-open in the breeze.)

Anyway, this talking... Well, it gets me thinking it does. Most of me is thinking that I, in no pickin' way, shape or form, understand what in the H-E-Double-Hockey-Sticks I am talking about! I mean, fatherhood?! Isn't that some book that Bill Cosby wrote? Isn't that something for grow-ups to think about. Me? Be a father? Ha, thanks for the laugh.

Still there is that small, tiny little part of me that gets excited when we talk about having kids and longs for that time to come. It reassures me that being a father will move smoothly from the conceptual to the actual just as college graduation and getting married did. It shows me that I will learn to have what it takes and it doesn't really matter that I don't know what I'm doing right now because neither did anyone else at this time in their lives. Most of all it reminds me that I am not alone and that, I think, it the most comforting thought of all.

So, with that said, I came across this article and I hope that I will remember to do all these things when I am a dad.

Now, on the whole topic of what being a husband means, please check out Mike's blog. Mike, I salute you for you nailed it!

What I do at work when I'm bored.

Friday, June 18, 2004

#1 on Google Search for "ironsulfide"

Yeah, baby! I am now officially recognized as a cyber entity!

Check it out

Google Search: ironsulfide

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

The 77s in concert in the NW

If I lived in the frigin' NW I'd go see this show!

The 77s w/ The Strawmen

Bad News for Potter Fans

J.K. Rowling Ends Harry Potter Series After Discovering Boys

Practicing Medicine?

So my wife does some care work for a 93 year old man every other Saturday. His name is Vince. She cooks and cleans and generally makes sure he's comfy. She used to do this for this man's wife, but she passed away last year and now it's just him. Anyway, you'd never believe Vince is 93. He walks every day and swims at least twice a week. He's totally cool to talk to and is still sharp as a tack. My wife sure loves him and I can even say that I've grown to as well.

Well, two days ago Vince went into the hospital for some general tests (I mean, come on! He's 93 for gosh sakes!) The doctors told him that he was the picture of health for a man his age. He was a mere hour from being discharged when the nurse on duty came by to give out the meds. She gave Vince his roommate's powerful pain killers! Vince resisted ('cause, like I said, he's a smartie) but the nurse forced him to take the pills away. The nurse figured out her mistake about 1.5 hours later but by that time Vince was already nearing a comatose state. His breathing was shallow, his pulse was weak and if something wasn't done soon he was going to die! Thankfully, the rest of the hospital staff had their heads screwed on straight and acted quickly to reverse the action of the pills. Vince is out of the woods and is on the road to recovery.

How crazy is it that one small choice can change your life (or someone else's) in a huge way. The nurse was just doing her job. She was probably tired and had been dealing with grumpy old people all day long. "Quit your complainin', ya old coot, and take your medicine!" 99% of the time she's probably right, too, but this time she darn near killed someone.

Tuesday, June 15, 2004

What to do?

Well, maybe me life is normal, but I like it that way.

Anyway, my wife and I have been seriously considering moving closer to her parents within the next year. We're up there just about every other weekend and it would be great to have those "built-in" babysitters when the time comes (it's not now so don't get all mushy!). Plus, we'd be moving closer to some of our childhood friends and that's always a good thing.
The problem is that she needs to finish her schooling and I would either need to commute 1.5 hours to my job or find one in the area. And there ain't really any jobs in my field around where the parental-types live. AND even the ones that are around won't pay enough for us to live on one income. Yeesh! I don't know what we're going to do.

Thursday, June 10, 2004

Because you all should be prepared


Blog Block

Uh, I really don't have much to say right now. It's like my life is just so... normal. Sorry.

Monday, June 07, 2004

More blogs I read

E-cards From The Edge
The Macombers


Saturday, June 05, 2004

Breakfast and BM

Ever notice that just about right after you eat that most important meal of the day that you have to "take care o' business". You know... Drop the kids off, Star in a Western w/ the Duke, etc. Man, my body is like clock work!

Hey, in the interest of community, what other euphemisms are out there?

(And remember that this blog is PG rated so use your best judgment please. Thank you, The Management)

Thursday, June 03, 2004

Back in Town!

Hey, sorry it's been so long since my last post. We've been out o' town this past week visiting the fam. It was a great week!

Anyway, this past week made me think about family. I love 'em! I mean we all have our troubles and we don't always get along, but I wouldn't trade them for 10 billion dollars (doll hairs for you old skoolers) and the chance to take the big prize behind door #2. Some people dread visiting their family or their in-laws. We can't get enough of them and that is a very precious thing indeed.

Sorry to be so sappy, but it's true.