Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Practicing Medicine?

So my wife does some care work for a 93 year old man every other Saturday. His name is Vince. She cooks and cleans and generally makes sure he's comfy. She used to do this for this man's wife, but she passed away last year and now it's just him. Anyway, you'd never believe Vince is 93. He walks every day and swims at least twice a week. He's totally cool to talk to and is still sharp as a tack. My wife sure loves him and I can even say that I've grown to as well.

Well, two days ago Vince went into the hospital for some general tests (I mean, come on! He's 93 for gosh sakes!) The doctors told him that he was the picture of health for a man his age. He was a mere hour from being discharged when the nurse on duty came by to give out the meds. She gave Vince his roommate's powerful pain killers! Vince resisted ('cause, like I said, he's a smartie) but the nurse forced him to take the pills away. The nurse figured out her mistake about 1.5 hours later but by that time Vince was already nearing a comatose state. His breathing was shallow, his pulse was weak and if something wasn't done soon he was going to die! Thankfully, the rest of the hospital staff had their heads screwed on straight and acted quickly to reverse the action of the pills. Vince is out of the woods and is on the road to recovery.

How crazy is it that one small choice can change your life (or someone else's) in a huge way. The nurse was just doing her job. She was probably tired and had been dealing with grumpy old people all day long. "Quit your complainin', ya old coot, and take your medicine!" 99% of the time she's probably right, too, but this time she darn near killed someone.


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